Tuesday, February 26, 2013

How To Handle Organizational Politics Effectively.

How To Handle Organizational Politics Effectively.

Someone very rightfully said that ‘you can only enjoy power, once you decide to abuse it’. It is precisely the use and abuse of power exercise that actually ignites and detonates the political explosion in an organization. Yes, politics. Without which the formation of any organization is almost impossible. Why do I say that? Because it is something instinctive, a built-in characteristic in human beings. Obviously, changing the nature of human beings is not natural and easy.

So, an important question rises here is why and how does politics gain ground and begins to germinate within the different hierarchies of an organization. The answer lies in the competitive culture that corporate intends to encourage in contemporary times for the facilitation and acquisition of greater profit margins.

But, wait a minute, competition, according to an economic principle, leads to better quality deliverance. Yes, undoubtedly it does help in improving services, but simultaneously provides an opportunity to people who are not that competent an opportunity to uplift their status and gain leverage by employing immoral and unethical tactics. And this list contains leg pulling, back biting, bitching and back stabbing along with all other types of propaganda that can only provide temporary benefit.

Moreover, it is also important to understand that the initiation of politics starts from the very point when people from different cultural, religious, racial and ethnic backgrounds work under the same roof. Once done with the factors that intentionally or unintentionally promote organizational politics, it is mandatory to shed light on ways through which a competent, qualified and devoted employee can handle this unnecessarily created menace in an effective manner.
·         Develop an understanding and connection with the environment: This might take time and requires experience. It takes time for a person to recognize the people with whom he can be friends with, and with those that must be kept at a distance. A common understanding is that the magnitude of organizational politics is positively correlated with the premises of the organization. Therefore, identifying friends and foes is the first step that can help you handle organizational politics in an effective manner.
·         Refuse to be a part of the ‘Gossiping’ lot: Everyone loves to gossip. For many this is their favorite spare time activity. But, your intense interest in gossiping activities can get you in trouble. Your colleagues can use it as a weapon to target you.  It’s not important to give such people a cold shoulder, but its best to be diplomatic with them.
·         Performance should be key focus: At the end of the day, it’s your work that distinguishes you from the other. All political tactics, good or bad go astray. Employers look for people who can handle challenges, complete the assignments given to them on time and that in an effective manner. Remember, it’s the number that matters, and not the time you squandered back biting about someone.

  For greater and more detailed insight on organizational politics you can also watch this video lecture from Henry Stewart:

About the Author:
Nick Harris is a professional educational counselor with an interest in writing. He also has many years of experience in assignment writing, providing essay writing service and custom theses  preparation and counseling of students.

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